yarrr - A Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R"
Contains a mixture of functions and data sets referred to in the introductory e-book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R". The latest version of the e-book is available for free at <https://www.thepiratesguidetor.com>.
Last updated 11 months ago
10.67 score 78 stars 2 dependents 1.2k scripts 2.8k downloads
FFTrees - Generate, Visualise, and Evaluate Fast-and-Frugal Decision Trees
Create, visualize, and test fast-and-frugal decision trees (FFTs) using the algorithms and methods described by Phillips, Neth, Woike & Gaissmaier (2017), <doi:10.1017/S1930297500006239>. FFTs are simple and transparent decision trees for solving binary classification problems. FFTs can be preferable to more complex algorithms because they require very little information, are easy to understand and communicate, and are robust against overfitting.
Last updated 5 months ago
9.58 score 135 stars 144 scripts 653 downloads